Camping: Missouri River in ND

I explore the prairie uplands and discover new shorebirds and ducks most of the summer. Now, I am restless about finding something new and discovering new birds for my life list.  What is nearby? The Missouri River! The banks of a major river could offer up a different terrain and corresponding new birds. This is…

Late Summer Camping Trip

Sunday: time to go camping. I received an invitation to camp on someone’s farm land, near a small lake. Don’t have to ask me twice! Around noon I gathered up all garden produce that needing picking, washed it, and stashed in the frig. I also packaged up two days worth of veggies for the trip.…

The Call to Adventure

The words Queen Bee conjure in my brain a single-minded bee, buzzing around more sedate bees, going here and there, owning the hive. That’s me. I buzz around endlessly, exploring, hiking, camping, paddling, bird-watching. The hive that I own is the mosaic of ecosystems called North America. The honey I seek is simply knowing, seeing,…

Poo Fungus, Rusty Water, and Ample Shoes

  I like camping in the Turtle Mountains. Seriously.  However, there is some weird stuff around here. The first weirdness presents itself as I hook up Half Moon to the electric box at my campsite.I splurge on electricity because I do not expect enough open sky to run the solar panel. As I reached over to…

In the Far North

  The minister meeting in Minot, ND is over and I head east in my van, pulling Half Moon, my popup camper. I am off to  the Turtle Mountains up on the border between Canada and ND. I have been forewarned not to expect real mountains—nothing like the Rocky Mountains, where I lived for 14…

Cruising Along Canadian Border

My first big camping trip in North Dakota starts in a few days. I head up to Minot, ND for minister meetings, then along the border to Lake Metigoshi and the Peace Gardens. I hope to get in some good blogs! Minot is about 4 hours north of me and is even colder than southern North…

Below Freezing in the Camper!

Well, it is late fall and freezing temps are expected. Tango and I slept peacefully, with the camper heater on only a few times. It is sunny and beautiful today, so the solar panel is recharging the battery, which the heater fan runs it down. I am getting ahead of the story. I left Wheatland…


Last night, while camping, I awoke at 1 AM. I decided to get up, go outside, and stretch. Zowie! The dark, clear sky allowed me to view billions of stars. It was one of those nights where other parts of the Milky Way are visible. This morning I woke up in the camper just as…