Self-Care Time at the Beach

It’s been a tough week. The loss of Radio Mike still weighs on me, perhaps because people are still posting on his FB page! A female friend is posting evocative photos of herself taken by Radio Mike nearly 20 years ago. She calls herself Mikes “Muse”. Also, a nephew of his is posting photos and…

Getting Ready to Head North

I head north from the Deming/Las Cruces area in about a week so, after my Habitat for Humanity shifts, I have been getting the van and RV ready for storage. First up: cleaning out cupboards, nooks, and crannies of anything that would attract critters. Second big job: summer-izing the RV, which means putting reflective shades…

JJs Technology Update

I love technology of all kinds, especially gadgets that make the nomadic lifestyle even more streamlined. In fact, this is the one area where I still buy without too much guilt despite my claim to simplicity. Afterall, technology products are usually small and, of course, new technology demands new acquisitions. Those are my excuses, anyway. I am…

Full-Circle Day

I hear through a sleepy haze: It is 2:30 AM. Beep beep beep. It is 2:30 AM. I press the snooze button on my talking phone alarm two times. The time is now 2:40 AM, and I wiggle myself up from the floor-level bed in the van. Shoes on. Computer and glasses tucked away in…

West then North Again

Day Three: I wake up early in my Rio Grande hideaway. My wanderlust pushes me to get going, so I forgo breakfast in anticipation of a smothered breakfast burrito in Taos. I continue on the narrow riverfront road rather than retrace my tracks back to the main highway so that I can inspect the other…

Home Territory

  I am not exactly homeless. I just moved around during my working years and made a home for a while wherever I landed. Now, I travel fulltime in my RV. I started in the Midwest and then spent most of my adult years in the West: Colorado, Arizona, California, Wyoming, Idaho. When asked, Where…

Her Grumpiness

While my surprise visit from a friend brought great joy, I am back to grumpy. The trigger: news stories about the Republican push to repeal the Affordable Care Act as a first priority. They say that Obamacare is bad, the medical care is poor, and the cost is too high. However, it is only insurance…

Surprise Visit!

I woke up yesterday morning to large puddles outside the camper. Worse, I noticed that the windows inside had a great deal of condensation and – gasp – mildew. Small patches of white filaments alerted me. Mold? Turns out that the white stuff is mildew, a type of fungus that loves wet window sills. RVs…