Throw Your Representatives into a Creek!

I will get to the part about throwing politicians into a creek, but first this: Every terrain excites me: desert, mountain, seashore, prairie, riparian. Naturally occurring terrain, not endless farmland. However, not everyone agrees with me about the inherent beauty in all natural settings. I know people who think of the desert as “wasteland”, or…

Trees Make us Feel Better

I am especially blessed after this election to reside in a beautiful forest. The weather is perfect, and I am outside all the time. A warm campfire at night keeps my toasty until bedtime. Had I been anywhere else I would have been a total basket case. I still cannot get my head around having…

Forest Bathing

Shinrin-yoku is a Japanese term that means “forest bathing.” Those who regularly sit out in nature claim that spending time in forests and other natural areas is a form of preventative medicine. How?  Forest bathing reduces stress, which in turn promotes better health. Apparently the positive effects of forest bathing have a scientific explanation. Trees…