Pelicans, Kingfishers, and Royal Terns

Dauphin Island is an important bird area because of the species who live here or pause for a rest during annual migrations. Even common birds thrive here–pelicans wander along the shoreline, docks, and jetties. The ones here and at Gulf Islands National Seashore are small and multi-colored, with white heads/necks and grey/black bodies rather than…

Life and Death on the Prairie

We set out on a stunning late fall day to go fishing, heading west in search of a small lake that Don has not been to in 50+ years. He has childhood memories of catching bullheads, a local catfish and wanted to share the experience with me. As always, the deal is, you clean em,…

Autumn Afternoon Adventure says an arctic cold front moves in the next time I have some days off (M/T). Nighttime temps will be in the low 20s. Any migrating birds who are still lingering here will surely be gone by then. This week is still beautiful: classic late fall in Wyoming, with vivid blue skies and orange…